In certain forms of illnesses, they may become risky and therefore it is suggested to talk to a doctor before taking the first sauna session. The chamber here has a number of infrared heaters and they emit infrared heat.Is Sauna good? A Sauna is small chamber which has the features of getting heat to high degrees of temperature and the levels of humidity are also controlled in it. The rays here directly come in contact with the human body and get heated which means that the area surrounding the person does not get heated. Sauna has a wide range of advantages and some of them are: - Detoxification: The amount of chemicals such as nicotine, sodium, cholesterol and alcohol present in people is increasing day by day and one of the best ways to detoxify the body is through sauna. There are lots of other health benefits associated with like reduction in the blood pressure, better blood circulation and purification of the body etc. There are various types of sauna available these days.S army. Buying a Sauna is a big decision and an equally big investment and therefore it is important to understand all the types available in the market along with their features, advantages and disadvantages. One question that pops up in the mind is that how safe are these infrared rays for the body? They are very similar to the rays from the sun and are quite safe for normal people. - Weight loss: One session of Sauna can cause a loss of 300 to 600 calories as per the research done by the U. The extra salts present in the body are removed in this manner leading to weight loss. Also, it is important to consult a professional about one's health conditions before taking advantage of Sauna. One of them is the Infrared Sauna.crystalsauna. There are various sizes available in the market according to individual requirements. The heart beat is made to increase here which in turn improves the circulation of blood and helps in removing the toxins of the body by stimulating the sweating glands and in the form of sweat. . A lot of information about these infrared saunas can be obtained from the buyer's guide that is available at http://www.php. It tells about the various types of infrared heaters that are used in the sauna such as the Ceramic heaters which consist ceramic tubes, the Carbon heaters which consist of carbon fiber glass which allow a proper distribution of heat without letting it gather at one point and keeps the temperature of the surface low, the Mica heaters which are made up of mica rocks. There is no usage of steam in It is used for reasons like relaxation as well as weight loss. This takes place due to excessive sweating in the session.