Always consult your own doctor if you're in any way concerned about your health. Hemorrhoids can mask a more serious disorder and, therefore, must be evaluated and diagnosed properly by a physician. Hemorrhoids are also very common in the lining of the rectum between the very last part of the rectum called the anus.Hemorrhoids are common, affecting millions of people. Some women get them for the first time while they re pregnant ' and if you ve had them before pregnancy, you re quite likely to have them again now. People with hemorrhoids who work closely with their physician are usually assured a good outcome and relief from this common disorder. The most important thing which will help you in to look seriously at your lifestyle. Treatment usually involves treatment for constipation: a high fiber, high fluid diet with possible use of stool softeners. They are also are known as piles. It is important to distinguish this disease from other anorectal diseases. They are essentially the veins in the anus which have become swollen with blood. Preparation H and other creams, including topical steroids, may help stop the itching. They are dilated veins in the anal area and often get infected and inflamed, making them even more engorged and causing itching and other uncomfortable feelings. One of the top natural haemorrhoid products which has come unto to the market (see below) is called Miracle H and was developed by a former hemorrhoid sufferer herself. However, problems start to happen when they become swollen due to pressure that is raised in them. Are you eating too many processed foods.. External hemorrhoids cause most of the symptoms we commonly hear about pain, burning, and itching. It has many testimonials and the best thing that I like about it is the priceless email support to help you. Two of the most common types are called external and internal hemorrhoids. Please ensure that you getting enough fibre into your diet and also enough fluids especially water. Surgery usually happens as a last resort. They are also known as hemorrhoids or piles and are varicosities or swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus. Normally, they should not cause bleeding or pain. If an external hemorrhoid becomes strangulated (cut off from blood supply), a clot can form in it and become an excruciatingly painful thrombosed hemorroids. Hemorrhoids are relatively common during pregnancy. This simple but important changes will help your overall health as well as your hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are often present without causing any discomfort or even awareness of their presence and are usually painless, although they sometimes cause discomfort and bleeding if a hard stool rubs against them during a bowel movement. Unfortunately are often associated with blood on toilet tissue but this type of problem would always need to be checked out immediately by your doctor. Disclaimer: All content within this articles is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional.